“So thankful to My Perfect Breakdown and her review of Chapter 3 of Ever Upward! Thank you my dear friend!”
My Perfect Breakdown
Justine Brooks Froelker over at Ever Upward, approached me to review a chapter of her upcoming book Ever Upward: Overcoming the Lifelong Losses of Infertility to Own a Childfree Life. I’m really looking forward to reading her entire book, so of course I agreed without hesitation because how could I turn down a sneak peak?
Before I jump into my review, I would like to acknowledge that Justine and I have and are living very different infertility journey’s, yet we are bound together in our shared grief as we have both lost our babies much too soon. Losing a baby, or babies, to miscarriage is an unfortunate ‘club’ to belong to, but I am thankful I have fellow bloggers like Justine in my life as we traverse the ongoing rapids of grief, hope and recovery.
When Justine approached me, I instantly selected her chapter on the topic of Adoption
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