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Don’t Talk About the Baby: The Missed Goal 

We only have 4 more days in the final funding campaign for the documentary Don’t Talk About the Baby. In support of the campaign Chad and I wrote companion posts and here is mine (you can read his here). Please share far and wide and contribute to the film if you can. Thank you!

The Missed Goal

I sit on the hard bench in the warm sun watching two of our chosen children run the field in the 5 year old soccer game. Lane is running down the field with his arms pumping with a might I’ve never seen before. His little brother Evan trails behind the whole team seeming a bit lost as he is technically a year too young to be playing. Both of them smile the whole game shining pure joy everywhere.

I snap a few pictures with my nice camera to be able to send to my friend Sam later that day. I enjoy watching the boys play for an hour but am also slightly distracted. We attend many of their events; games, concerts and plays. It is an honor and joy to be such an active part of their lives, it is something I am beyond thankful to their parents, our friends, for letting us be.

But there are always the whispers in my heart.

They would have turned four years old later this summer and early fall.

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