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My Next Happy 

Today I bring you my guest post for Tracey Cleantis, author of The Next Happy. The Next Happy is a book so much the same, and  yet so very different, than Ever Upward both leading the reader to a new version and definition of their happy ending. Tracey’s sense of humor and full of resource book is one to add to your reading list for sure. I am so thankful to Tracey for her friendship and for the chance to write for her blog! ~~~

Ever Upward to My Next Happy

by Justine Brooks Froelker

There somethings I wouldn’t wish on anyone (enduring infertility treatment that doesn’t lead to the much longed for child is such a commonality), however it is also really nice to have friends who really gets it.  Justine Brooks Froelker is such a friend. We also have some other important stuff in common, we are book therapists and we both write about how to move Ever Upward to our Next Happy. I invited Justine to share her Next Happy story with you here and she accepted. Thank you, Justine!

Click here to continue reading my piece.

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