Penned Musings are posts based off of my daily writing prompts. You can read more here. ~~~
A Spoken Sea of Names
Another name.
A voice both full of love and sorrow all in the same breath speaks another name into the microphone over the crowd of people awash in a sea of orange.
Another name.
Over 500 names.
Over 500 souls lost too soon.
Over 500 names, never spoken out loud enough, put into the crisp, sun-filled fall day along the river.
And with each name another wave.
A wave of grief. A wave of smiles. A wave of sadness. A wave of love; all washing over me with my senses too overwhelmed to really take it all in.
A wave of orange.
With each name a wave of orange balloons both escape and release from the hands of a forever changed family.
At times it is a tiny wave of a only a few balloons, others a multitude of them.
Floating high into the blue sky, some with messages for their babies in heaven.
Tears. Smiles. Tears. Laughter.
Love. Honor.
The honor of loving them coexisting with our grief of losing them beyond too soon washing over us like the waves in the sea.
The sea of spoken names in waves of orange taking my breath away still.
The Share Walk of Remembrance and Hope was on October 17th. You can support Share Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support by purchasing your signed copy of Ever Upwardhere! Use coupon code OCT15 for $5 off!