Site icon Justine Froelker

Be kind. Be generous. Be loving.

Last night sitting in my car alone at the emergency vet for four hours until way past my bedtime with our dog’s eye emergency that was very much trumped by other terrifying emergencies, several courage lessons were only reiterated and proven more strongly for me…

We can understand AND not agree with someone’s policies and procedures.

We must remember that human beings with complex stories are behind and affected by every policy and procedure, which means those policies and procedures may need to be flexible at times.

We can know people are doing their very best AND it can still not be good enough for us.

For me, it is not okay to separate people from their dogs during trauma.

More than that, though, for me, it is downright cruel to separate human beings from one another, especially during trauma.

Many of the people you come into contact with today may be functioning from a nervous system that is beyond tired, triggered, and shot. Be kind. Be generous. Be loving.

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