“Chloë’s refreshing perspective is amazing.”
Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer
I’ll be honest from the outset. I’m single, with no children, and I’m 40 in June, and I accept that this current absence of love for another person affects the way I view fertility. I’ve never been married, never had a relationship that has outlasted the return to the season in which it began, I’ve never lived with a boyfriend and my last fling was four years ago.
This has been a surprise to me. I have never stayed single for too long, always stumbling around a corner into the arms of someone, usually a 70:30 blend of unsuitable and sizzling chemistry. Not always a boyfriend, but always someone.
I was also in love for a long time. Perhaps ten years. He popped his head around the corner of my life every so often, and I would smile and invite him in. Fairytale thoughts got the better of me, I…
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