Site icon Justine Froelker

Love people.

I’ve always found it confusing, sad, and infuriating when Christians think that forcing particular interpretations of our faith onto others will bring others to believe in Jesus, especially when it is hardly ever done in love and rather in judgment. Most especially in a country that is founded on the freedom to choose our faith.

Have you ever seen judgment bring someone to know Jesus?

Because all I see it doing right now is making people leave the church, doubt the grace of God, and hate Christians more and more every day.

Because who wants to serve a God whose people won’t sit beside others, love others well, listen, and choose our common humanity over the rules?

You want to go and make disciples?

Love people.

Love them no matter what.

Like Jesus told us to.

For me, it is that love, not the damn rules that have been misinterpreted and weaponized by many, that will show the world who our Savior is.

A Savior who loves us into the seen, known, loved, and free we all are yearning for and need.

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