Seventeen years ago, we had no idea what lay ahead of us.
We’ve turned toward one another through the darkest valleys of loss and pain. We’ve walked alongside one another up the peaks of rebuilding, building, and dream-making.
We are such different people today than we were when we chose one another 17 years ago today. We’re better. Together and separately. Better because of and in spite of those dark valleys. Better because we choose each other, choose to do the work, and grow together.
It’s been a wild ride and it’s only just beginning as we embark on the biggest dream we’ve ever had together (more on that very soon).
Happy anniversary, Chad Froelker. Thank you for witnessing me, challenging me, loving me, steadying me, dreaming with me, building with me, and believing in me.
Here’s to many more years of your dream crushing and my dammit Chads and dinners at 5 pm.
I love you.