Site icon Justine Froelker

simply to receive and witness

Justine Froelker courage quote - humble curiosity

At this point, I’m not sure we can change anyone’s mind. Maybe we never could. Rather, what if, instead of trying to convince, we approached each other with humble curiosity? What if we simply asked, “Will you share with me how come you feel or believe this way?” And then we really listen, not with the intent to fix, convince, or debate, simply to receive and witness with an open heart and mind.

Then maybe we ask, “Can I share my story with you too?” Not to prove a point or shame or change. Simply to connect. As human beings who have far more in common than we don’t. Making room for the differences that shape us and make us amazing.

Because maybe then, instead of shouting, shaming, or worse, becoming what we hate, we can create space for understanding—and be in it together.

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