Site icon Justine Froelker

I stand in, live from, and know my enoughness

Top New Speaker Award Vistage Speaker Graphic

I long gave up finding my enoughness in accolades, awards, likes, follows, and shares.

Or being fancy enough to be in the room, let alone at the front of the room teaching.

Because the truth is no matter how many amazing evaluations I get or returning clients or business growth, when I measured my enoughness by those things, the things of this world, and being defined by what others thought of me, I was never, ever enough.

There will always be someone doing more or better.
Our brains are literally wired to focus on lack and negative to keep us “safe.”
Someone’s opinion of me is simply none of my freaking business. Plus, their perception of my story will never change my truth.

Instead, I stand in, live from, and know my enoughness. I look for the fruit in relationships, authentic connection, and the power of living loved and helping others to know how loved they are too.

This is success.
More than that, it is impact.
Success and impact that I hope reaches further than I may ever get to see or know this side of Heaven.

And it turns out, when you stand in, live from, and know your enoughness, you’ll probably find that you are walking in your purpose.

And sometimes, you get a cool award when you do that.

Thank you to Vistage Worldwide, Inc. for this recognition. I absolutely love working with Vistage chairs and groups. Thank you also to Jonathan Jones for believing in me and recommending me as a Vistage speaker.

What do I know for sure now?
I never needed any award, accolade, or huge following to be fancy enough. I am fancy enough just as I am. So are you.

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