Site icon Justine Froelker

Boundaries to preserve.

I live with boundaries to preserve my well-being.

Not guarded to self-protect.

Rather, boundaried to preserve.

One of the boundaries I have implemented lately to preserve my heart is to stop reading the comment sections on social media.

It is turning out to be a difficult boundary to maintain for me.

Historically the comment section was a place I learned from people who thought differently than me, I shared my perspective, I connected with people, and I laughed because, seriously, people on the internet can be freaking funny.

The comment section has recently become everything except a place to learn, authentically share, connect, and laugh.

For me, it used to be the goodness of humanity. Lately, it is simply the dumpster fire of humanity full of anger, hate, shame, unresearched opinions, and judgment because, seriously, people on the internet can be freaking mean.

And so, because I don’t want hurt, angry, and mean people to take up my heart and brain space, no more comments for me. I choose to preserve my well-being and my love for my fellow humans, no more clicking comments and scrolling down. No matter how much my courageous curiosity wants to. No more comments for me.

What is a boundary you need to put in place to preserve your well-being?

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