|  Conflux Co-Learning Workshop The Courageous Leader: Leading and Working Through Difficult and Different Times
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Conflux Co-Learning Workshop The Courageous Leader: Leading and Working Through Difficult and Different Times

The Courageous Leader: Leading and Working Through Difficult and Different Times

In and through difficult times, it can feel like it is hard to trust each other and build cultures of belonging. It is in these times that building and repairing trust into a culture of belonging is vital to an organization’s culture and team well-being. Trust is built when we practice the skills of courage through vulnerability to grow connection. The importance of having courageous and clear conversations with empathy, generosity, and emotional self-awareness is even greater as people work alongside and lead generations that they may struggle to understand and work in flexible and/or hybrid work environments. In this workshop, participants will explore some of the concepts of the Dare to LeadTM work to navigate leading and working in the current landscape through learning, self-reflection, and practice of the skills.

  • Learn the four skills of courage and what makes a daring leader.
  • Recognize the armor that gets in the way of daring leadership.
  • Understand the role of courage and vulnerability in daring leadership.
  • Learn how values operate in our professional lives and the role they play in daring leadership.
  • Explain how trust is essential to building meaningful connection.
  • Understand how to build trust.
  • Learn how to use the BRAVING inventory as a way of understanding and discussing the elements of trust.
  • Learn the critical role that curiosity and recognition of emotion play in rising from difficulty.
  • Learn the importance of meaning-making in humans, and how, when left unchecked, our reliance on story can shape our thinking, emotion, and behavior.
  • Discuss how the brain is wired for story, how this influences the development of stories that are not true, and how these stories can impact our behavior.
  • Practice having courageous conversations using curious language.


Pricing for this event is $500/person. Click here to register.

Event Details

February 1, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Conflux Co-Learning
8221 Minnesota Avenue

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