|  Blog Post   |  Another day of no power and watching the biggest tree I’ve ever seen be taken down piece by piece.

Another day of no power and watching the biggest tree I’ve ever seen be taken down piece by piece.

Another day of no power and watching the biggest tree I’ve ever seen be taken down piece by piece.

I could be frustrated that I have emails to get to and work to be done, or I could be grateful for a bit of battery power and a mobile hotspot to take care of the “must be dones” while the “can wait until tomorrows” can actually wait until tomorrow or maybe even next week.

Because I long gave up that the to-do list will ever get done in one fell swoop or that it has to be done for me to be enough.

Much like this huge tree, what we are facing, the looming list, the overwhelm of life is too big to tackle all by ourselves and with one big chop.

Piece by piece with a team to help, and with a lot of grace and courage, things will get done right on time, and it’s enough.



Justine is a Licensed Professional Counselor with more than 25 years of experience in traditional mental health and personal and professional development. Justine has been certified in the work of Dr. Brené Brown for ten years. Justine is the author of eleven books, including five Amazon bestsellers covering subjects such as infertility, faith, and grief. She has been honored to do two TEDx Talks, The Permission of the And and The Donut Effect. She travels nationally and presents virtually to global audiences delivering keynotes, workshops, retreats, and trainings on topics such as leadership, courage, resilience, mental health, preventing and coping with burnout, and courageous and curious conversation, especially in creating cultures of belonging and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Justine lives in St. Louis with her husband Chad, their three dogs, and for four months of the year hundreds of monarch and swallowtail butterflies.

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