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14 Reasons This is Just the Beginning

The growing momentum of Ever Upward. My continued ownership of my whole story.
The continuing opportunities to share this ownership.
All leading me to more and more clarity with which I am seeing, feeling and growing this light inside of me.
My essential truth.
Which I hope can become part of many of our essential truths; maybe even, the essential truth.
Talk about it.
Embrace it.
Practice recovery ofit.
Own it.
No matter what it is.
For my first televised interview on the book and blog, Ever Upward, I was blessed enough to be interviewed by Virginia Kerr of KMOV’s Great Day St. Louis. I have appeared monthly on Great Day for over four years, in many ways I feel part of their family. I am so grateful for their love, support and the opportunity on the show to break the shamed silence of infertility.
Our six minutes went so fast, too fast. After the interview Virginia looked at me and said, “Did we cover everything? I don’t think we did, I was just having an amazing conversation with you on air!”
It was real.
It was authentic.
It was amazing.
And, no, we didn’t even begin to cover everything…
But, I will make sure it is just the beginning.
The clip has been one of the most shared posts I’ve had. It has also sparked some of the most amazing words of encouragement, support and love from friends, new and old.
And, this is just the beginning.
My essential truth was definitely highlighted throughout the interview but, what our short six minutes didn’t allow for was why this essential truth is so important, especially in the world of infertility and in the world of whatever you need to recover from.
It’s now been a few days since the interview. As I continue to navigate through the shares, comments, support and love, I am also overwhelmed by random moments in awe with glimmers of but wait this is part of my message too moments.
Things like:
1. We must talk about infertility so the public is more educated.
2. We must talk about infertility in order to get any of the understanding we want and need from our loved ones.
3. We must talk about infertility in order to be healthier and happier versions of ourselves both throughout treatments but, especially thereafter no matter the ending to that part of our story.
4. We must talk about infertility because only using our doctors and our partner for support is too much for just about any relationship.
5. We must talk about infertility because then, maybe, it could actually result in a higher success rate.
6. We must talk about infertility to educate on how expensive, painful and difficult the process is.
7. We must talk about infertility to challenge the message that you must keep trying because it will eventually work and to give permission to stop.
8. We must talk about infertility and fertility because it is the only way to broaden the story and increase understanding no matter the situation.*
- The couple who has any kind of infertility diagnosis or a lack there of.
- The same sex couple.
- The single man or woman who desperately wants to be a parent.
- The couple who cannot have a healthy baby with their own genes.
- The couple who chooses to adopt.
- The couple who chooses not to adopt.
- The woman or couple who courageously gave up her/their child for adoption.
- The couple who use a donor egg or sperm.
- The couple who adopts an embryo.
- The couple who uses a traditional surrogate.
- The couple who uses a gestational surrogate.
- The couple who has embryos left.
- The couple who has no embryos left.
- The couple who were able to have one or some biological child(ren) and then chose adoption.
- The couple who chooses to have one child.
- The couple who can only have one child.
- The couple who has children many years apart because they suffered miscarriages or endured infertility treatments between.
- The couple who chooses no infertility treatments.
- The couple who is able to try infertility treatments many times with success of children.
- The couple who is able to try infertility treatments many times only to never have it work.
- The couple who had kids before they were really ready or even really trying.
- The couple who has suffered a loss of any kind, of any gestation, of any age.
- The couple who has suffered a loss of any kind, of any gestation, of any age and is blessed with healthy children still.
- The couples who are still parents no matter what the loss.
- The couples with children.
- The couples who live childfree but childfull lives.
- All the families who don’t know their loved ones are suffering.
- All the families who know their loved ones’ suffering but are flailing for the words to support.
- Any couple, any family, because in reality life hardly ever turns out how we hoped, how we planned or even sometimes what we paid for; loss is loss.
9. I must educate about infertility and thriving thereafter because it is how I have fought for and continue to practice my recovery; in it I have found my calling and purpose.
10. I must break my silence because within this fight I have been found by my ever upward.
11. We must talk about all our losses, traumas and tragedies in order to heal.
12. We must embrace all the parts of our stories.
13. We must fight for and practice our recoveries to be healthier and happier versions of ourselves.
14. We must own it all to find and be found, to live our ever upward.
As I continue to practice my recovery, write Ever Upward, the blog (especially as it has taken on it’s own amazing life) and build the platform for Ever Upward, the book, I hope we all find permission.

My essential truth of giving myself permission.
The essential truth of giving us all permission.
Permission to talk, to embrace, to practice and to own it all.
Because, this is just my beginning.
As, I will make damn sure my infertility journey is just one of my many epic journeys in this story of my ever upward life.
*Sometimes it is difficult to make sure I include everyone, if I’ve forgotten a situation please comment below so I can edit the post and add (giving you credit if you like).
If you found this post enjoyable, inspiring, helpful, hopeful, interesting or even infuriating ;), please take the time and the chance to share it through your social media! More shares means more eyes, means more people helped and the message heard on a wider scale. Thank you! Justine