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11 Easy Ways to Calm the F Down
I’m tired all the time.I am not sleeping well.
I worry so much.
I just want to be happier.
I feel like my life is passing me by.
All comments I hear from almost every single client who has ever had the courage to walk into my therapy office. These are also comments I hear from just about all of my friends and family on a regular basis.
As a true educator and mental health therapist I have a usual first recommendation for just about every single client and my loved ones: self-care.
So much of our lives will be improved by working on self-care, however most of us are not choosing to make the time to practice it daily. Self-care that includes a morning and nighttime routine, exercise, proper nutrition, supplementation, water intake, meditation and true talk therapy, especially talking about shame and fear must be practiced daily.
We cannot give from an empty well.
Practicing self-care fills up our well.
The biggest eye rolls and groans I ever get?
That, of course, would be whenever I mention the word meditation.
Despite the growing research and popularity of meditation it, unfortunately, is still far from a household name, let alone a daily practice.
The biggest complaints about meditation being:
I don’t have time to meditate!
I can’t get my brain to shut off!
I don’t know how!
My responses to these complaints, right after, “I know, it can feel so hard!” are:
Meditating will actually help you to feel like you have more time and energy!
It is really more about focusing and freeing your mind than shutting it off!
There are so many ways to try!
I practice what I teach and have meditated more days than not the last four years despite being wired as someone who will never be naturally meditative and calm.
As my new acupuncturist asked me a few weeks ago, “Do you consider yourself pretty Type A?”
To which my response was a scoffing and owning, “Um, yes!”
“You’re pretty intense aren’t you?” he asked.
“I am. I like it. I’ve learned to manage it and I don’t want you to take it away,” I proudly stated back.
Type A, intense or passionate, no matter how you describe it, it is one of my best qualities.
It can also be the quality that kills me if I am not careful.
Our strengths can become our weaknesses, and so I’ve learned to manage my intensity with my self-care practices, and especially with my mediation practices. The most helpful way I have stuck with my meditations is to have a toolbox of different ways and resources to meditate.
Because I have chosen to find some way to meditate most days, my sleep, mood, presence, immunity and happiness are all much improved!
Here are some of my favorite resources to get you started as well, give me five to ten minutes every day for the next 21 days using one of these techniques:
- Color in an adult coloring book. I love Johanna Basford.
- Use an app like: HeadSpace (my personal favorite), OMG I Can Meditate, Calm, Mindvalley Academy 6 Phase Meditation (my new favorite) or Oprah and Deepak’s app.
- Watch a candle flame.
- Use an scented essential oil, rub it on your hands and wrists and sit quietly, when you get distracted smell your wrists and refocus your mind.
- Listen to the same instrumental song every single day. Breathe by Stanton Lanier is my favorite.
- Search a guided meditation on YouTube.
- Use a mantra. For example: I am calm or I am loved or Love (in breath), Peace (out breath). Repeat it over and over.
- Chanting like from Gabby Bernstein’s YouTube channel.
- Try acupuncture.
- Count your breaths, inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3, exhale 4 and so on. Only count to 10 then start back at 1. Repeat for ten minutes
- A real time feedback tool, my favorite is Muse. Muse provides you with nature sounds for feedback, such as birds chirping when you are in the calm state.

So sit your @ss down and try one of these meditations for ten minutes every single day.
Challenge accepted?
I bet you feel a difference for the better, and if you don’t let me know.
But, I’ll probably tell you to try again with a different tool.
It is all about being open to new things and finding what works for you.
Go out my intense, passionate, Type A warriors and find the glory of calm.
The only affiliate link above is Muse. By purchasing Muse through this link you get 15% off the purchase price and I make a small commission. All the other links are simply because I love their work and have found them helpful in my journey.
***Contains Amazon Affliliate links.