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It is possible to be funny without hurting people.
Infertility and pregnancy loss isn't a joke, find another way to be funny tomorrow.
Infertility and pregnancy loss isn't a joke, find another way to be funny tomorrow.
There are so many gifts of a flexible work environment and the work from home option.
The holy lives with the hard. Often the holy only is felt in and through the hard.
A reminder that at the core - behind all the curated photos, strategic hashtags, and powerful writing - what we do on these social media apps is create connection with other humans.
What's the story you're making up? Because if that story is about you, it probably isn't accurate.
accepting the unacceptable with boundaries, from grace, and in the truth of keeping our okay
Much like this huge tree, what we are facing, the looming list, the overwhelm of life is too big to tackle all by ourselves and with one big chop.
To move through, get to the other side, and be better than okay together.
What if accepting this unacceptable isn’t doubting my God’s ability or even desire to heal me completely, even in the way I want and need? Instead, it’s allowing the true, miraculous healing of my heart to finally fully take place?