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Are you choosing courage?
How do you know if you are choosing courage? Ask yourself: Does this bring me into connection? Is it aligned with my values? If yes, then you are walking in courage.
How do you know if you are choosing courage? Ask yourself: Does this bring me into connection? Is it aligned with my values? If yes, then you are walking in courage.
And then when you can't be everything to everyone and do everything yourself because it's not possible, you blame yourself.
When you've had two back surgeries in high school after being misdiagnosed for a year and a half, the medical trauma you carry with you and must heal from is great.
Who can you love on today? Today, I hope you receive mine.
I often get asked if I still get nervous before my events. The simple answer is yes, always. Because I care. A lot. I care because I want to connect, and I know that it is only through connection that
What people think of you is none of your business. Plus, what they think of you probably has more to do with them than with you. Take nothing personally.
What would it be like to dare to show your full self? Flaws and all.
The more I learn and heal, the more I am convinced that we are all a bunch of dysregulated wounds trying to survive a world that asks too much.
A question that comes up time and time again at the end of nearly every event of mine: I want and need to do this. I want to choose courage and be vulnerable. I know my team needs this, and
I wonder how differently our conversations would go if we all paused for a few seconds to consider all the things that someone may have going on that we have no knowledge of