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Checking Expectations to Trust Disappointment
In reality my life, especially the last few years, has had its fair share of disappointments.
Birthing A New SelfÂ
I tried very hard to be a mother in the traditional sense, and yet it was not my dream to have.
I Get It, My Story Makes You Really Uncomfortable
The first defining part of my life story is one that makes people curious and sometimes left in awe.
Choosing in Alignment With Who I Want To Be
I choose to meditate, color, journal, exercise, tap, take my supplements, drink water, write, get enough sleep, etc. because I want to be the happiest and healthiest version of myself.
The Post-It Miracle
We may not have full understanding in the moment, but have faith there is always something amazing in the works for you.
Giving Ourselves Permission to Feel It All
Instead of our struggles leaving us empty bitter shells of who we once were, our permission to feel it all and to embrace the complicated grey helps us heal and leads us to the truth of who we are and
The Miracle of the Monarch
Mothering these monarchs the last month has meant more to me than words can express.
Believing is Creating
I promised a follow up a post to my experience with Pam Grout's book E-Squared, and so here is just a bit. You can read about my experiences with experiments #1 and #2 here. Experiment #3: The Alby Einstein Principle Bottom line: "If I am energy,