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The Wholehearted Hustle
I’m trying to finish getting ready. I know I am not late and yet there is an overwhelming sense that I am. I am rushing all around at lightening speed and no one is around to help.
I run down the hallway my heart beating at top speed as fly down the stairs. I push open the door so hard it bangs on the outside wall that the sound nearly brings me back to reality.
I feel the crisp air on my face and piercing my lungs as I try to catch my breath when the sound of the closing door stops me in my tracks realizing there is no one there and nowhere to go.
They left.
I am alone.
For months it seemed like this was the theme of my nightly dreams, different settings but always the same scenario and feelings; fear, sadness and confusion.
They left me. I am forgotten. They’ve moved on.
And, they didn’t even look back.
I am invisible.
I’ve done enough work to know where these dreams are coming from. There is not any unconscious or subconscious bullshit that I am not aware of because I’ve done the work and live it every damn day.
As a woman without children and an infertility advocate without the “happy” ending not only do I hardly ever fit in but I am also often ignored and forgotten.
So why were these dreams beginning to plague me now?
It wasn’t until I went to my Rising Strong™ facilitator intensive that I was able to see and therefore understand and even change this theme in my life.
In the Rising Strong™ work we identify a face down in the arena moment, a moment in our lives here we have fallen or failed or perhaps completely lost ourselves. It was only in picking myself back up and rewriting my story that I realized what was happening.
I’d been hustling for so long to build the platform of Ever Upward; working my ass of on posting, emailing, writing and submitting, all in hopes of my healthier messages reaching a bigger audience. Along the way in Montana I realized, with a lot of help and love from my tribe, that my mission had actually stolen my voice. What I learned further in my Rising Strong™ work is the reason for this; the inner critic of fear and shame.
I am feeling invisible.
Often feeling like the invisible advocate only seemed to strengthen my hustle but not in a healthy way. Rather, it was a hustle from scarcity as if trying to convince myself that I am enough. Finally, with the Rising Strong™ work I realized that this shameful and fearful part of me felt that if I didn’t get Ever Upward noticed and keep hustling, that not only would I be unseen and invisible but my fear of disappearing would come true.
And yet, I know I matter. I will never disappear, even if I am unseen.
Because I am worthy.
The dreams have since stopped. In this work I have been able to again let go a bit more and walk even more into my own grace as my friend Susan says.
And yet, I know I am still a person of hard work and hustle.
I am determined.
But, for my well being and to honor the work I have done, and my truth, I must hustle from a place of wholeheartedness and not scarcity.
This clarity came right at the same time as a book was delivered on my doorstep (God knows when you are ready to receive).
I had preordered Hustle Believe Receive months ago and had honestly kind of forgotten about it.
And just like that my hustle became fun again and not desperate.

I highly recommend Sarah Centralla’s book. I love her 8 steps to getting what you want in life because she makes them tangible and doable for everyone. It is also highly aligned with my values and the work of Ever Upward; we choose our lives and define our own happy ending. I especially love that she shares her story along with 51 other stories of people who believed they could, worked their asses off to create the lives they desire and allowed themselves the belief and love of themselves to receive it.
I am rising Ever Upward.
I just finished Sarah’s Step5: #SeeIt and can feel the strength of my dreams empowering my hustle instead of it being powered by the fear of being left behind.
Because I believe in hard work. I believe in my voice, my truth and my dreams.
I believe in rising ever upward in the wholehearted hustle.
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