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Marvel Undone by Justine Froelker

Marvel Undone

This morning I woke up to the most incredible email from one of my Marvel Undone book launch team early readers.

I’ve asked her permission to share her words with you, along with the fantastic cover my friend Rebecca Pierce created for me.

“I just finished Chapter 3…actually I read the chapter last week and wasn’t ready to wrestle with the writing so I pushed it off, but I reread and wrestled today. It was beautiful. The simple part that ‘You aren’t meant to stay small, child. Trust me, come out. Oh, the plans I have for you.’ Those were just the words I needed to hear. And those questions were so simple, yet so challenging for me. And then I did the 10 minutes of quiet and I wept. I saw a hand reaching to take hold mine pulling me up out of my stubborn own-self do it ways. And kept repeating I am chosen, I am His and I am Loved. It was profound and I am so grateful you wrote this book.”

Marvel Undone will be released on Amazon in mid-July. My tenth book to be published. I wrote her years ago at this point. She is kind of the adult version of my children’s book Pelia the Marvel.

I am excited for you all to meet her…and learn and know how loved you are.


Justine is a Licensed Professional Counselor with more than 25 years of experience in traditional mental health and personal and professional development. Justine has been certified in the work of Dr. Brené Brown for ten years. Justine is the author of eleven books, including five Amazon bestsellers covering subjects such as infertility, faith, and grief. She has been honored to do two TEDx Talks, The Permission of the And and The Donut Effect. She travels nationally and presents virtually to global audiences delivering keynotes, workshops, retreats, and trainings on topics such as leadership, courage, resilience, mental health, preventing and coping with burnout, and courageous and curious conversation, especially in creating cultures of belonging and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Justine lives in St. Louis with her husband Chad, their three dogs, and for four months of the year hundreds of monarch and swallowtail butterflies.

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