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Settling the Panic of Failure
I started the week off with the lingering panic of failure that had crept in last week.
I started the week off with the lingering panic of failure that had crept in last week.
I believe the people hurting the most on this earth are the ones who are holding onto things that simply cannot be changed; past hurts, betrayals and disappointments. Especially the ones committed by our loved ones against us. The ones
Over the last few weeks, I have been posting chapter reviews from Justine Brooks Froelker’s upcoming book Ever Upward: Overcoming the Lifelong Losses of Infertility to Own a Childfree Life.
The chapter title which spoke to me most was Chapter 8: Emerging to Own Myself Again.
I do not find my light, my soul, my permission from anyone.
Building the platform of Ever Upward has been one of the hardest parts of this journey and often times is feels pretty lonely and like I will never catch the big break.
Everyone has an opinion on family planning and therefore everyone also has many questions. However, many times these questions, even though meant to be innocent, even loving at times, can feel invalidating and hurtful to the recipient.
August 31st, 2012 The day we dreamed our first child (or children, as we transferred two embryos) were to be born.
Ever Upward is a book of stories, my story, about what to do with your life when it just didn't turn out how you had hoped; it is about letting go of what isn't in order to find and embrace our
Every day I choose to practice my recovery. Every day I choose to work on myself. Some days are good. Some not so good.