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What boundaries do you need in place to love well?
What boundaries do you need to have in place to love well?
What boundaries do you need to have in place to love well?
When we choose to trust people, we also choose to be vulnerable. When we choose to be vulnerable with people, we choose to trust them.
This requires grace and love, and sometimes boundaries. And it leads to freedom.
One of the toughest things is realizing that someone we love or care about or work with doesn't have what we need or want.
Today, I am making a day of nothing and no one. Between many events, lots of peopling, an exciting product launch, and higher levels of pain than usual, I need to rest, refill, and restore myself before facilitating another full training
I always pause for the attendees of my events to write down permission slips. What permission do they need to give themselves to receive what they need to receive from our time together? I also encourage some of them to do
In the past I have found the comment section a place where I can learn something different than what I think and feel. A place of, huh, I have never thought it of that way. Nowadays, I need to actually put a
What are they afraid of? Who do they love? Something that is helping me right now is remembering that we all both desperately love someone and are desperately afraid of something. And that we often react from that love and fear in
Boundaried not guarded. Self-preservation not protection. This is how I want to live my life. No matter how the hurts, the losses, and the disappointments, either by life or by people, I will not allow my heart to close off into protection and