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Believing is Creating
I promised a follow up a post to my experience with Pam Grout’s book E-Squared, and so here is just a bit. You can read about my experiences with experiments #1 and #2 here.
Experiment #3: The Alby Einstein Principle
Bottom line: “If I am energy, I can direct my energy.” Pam asked us to make our own version of wands out of metal clothes hangers and with my own thoughts, feelings and energy move them. Yep, you heard me right, move them simply with my energy.
And I am still dumbfounded, in disbelief and amazed… It did!
Experiment #4: The Abracadabra Principle
Bottom line: Making a clear intention will pull it into your life.
By believing we desperately need a miracle or something we don’t have now, we deny Truth. We suit up with the wrong attitude.
For me, it of course had something to do with the book. This principle was the first sign for me that I have a lot of getting out of my own way. In fact for the remainder of the experiments, the believing and manifesting worked but never in that exact way I believed the universe could give me.
Does that mean I am not a believer? Not even a little.
I loved Experiment #7: The Jenny Craig Principle where the bottom line is simply to change the way you think and talk to yourself about food and your body. I especially loved where she told me to take the time over my food at each meal and really put love, nourishment and gratitude into it (for me really praying a blessing and gratitude to God).
And then finally, Experiment #9: The Fish and Loaves Principle where the bottom line is to change our negative focus to the miraculous focus and see all the goodness, beauty and abundance around us. Who couldn’t use more of this in their life?!?
In the least this book has made me see, with shiny clarity, all that God has right in front of me.
I just have to get out of my own way; and open my eyes and heart wider. And, get better at manifesting exactly what I know is right at my finger tips. I am looking forward to reading Pam’s follow up book E-Cubed to help me with this.
On a side note, the butterflies will be emerging this weekend and into next week. I caught this incredible video of one going up into her chrysalis! Feel free to share!