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Penned Musings: Shoulder Pads
Penned Musings are posts based off of my daily writing prompts. You can read more here. ~~~
Shoulder Pads
Speak it.
Speak it so fucking loud that the shame monster looks at you shocked and frozen. Because that monster speaks lies to you. That monster tries to lull you into submission by telling you that you don’t matter. That you’re unworthy. That your fear will always stop you.
Look her straight in those sinister green eyes and speak.
I’m scared. I’m lost.
But you’re not my truth.
And then walk towards her feeling your racing heart and sweaty palms propelling you forward and wrap your arms around the shoulder padded business suit of shame.
Hold tight and feel the fear and shame melt between you both to make room and allow the warmth between you; invite in your awe.
The awe that you’ve survived. The awe that you have a story. The awe that your voice is beautifully important.
Because you’re it. The only one ever like you; shame monster and all; fucking shoulder padded business suit shame monster.
And say,
Thank you, but no thank you.
May I take your blazer?
Show your beauty, your heart; your awe.
The light filled awe.
Shine bright my love, shine bright in awesome glory; in awe struck, fear filled awesome glory.